Dynatower Project

Dynatower Project

One of our most valuable client US Embassy/US Army Kabul, Afghanistan. There were Dynatowers for US Embassy/US Army Kabul Afghanistan. Since we are working for them from more than 10 years. Our organization AITC is much experienced &have executed more than 90 Dynatowers Components along with accessories sets / Dynatower Pintle / Mouting Plate Assembly / Dynatower Windows Port / Bannister / Rail (Fitted to roof of the tower) Observation Chair On Railfrom Aqineh Border and also from Karachi Pakistan to various destinations inside Afghanistan I.e. Kabul Compound, Camp Salwan, Camp Alvarado, US Embassy Kabul, Camp Seiz, Bagram Airfield, Kandahar Airfield, Khost, Shank, Sharana, Herat, Shindand and Mazar-e-Shareef. We were capable to have used around 250 Low-Bed / Semi Low-Bed trailers from Karachi and also from Aqineh border to final destinations without any hurdle. The services provided for such client/project were full packaging services Including Karachi custom clearance formalities, bonded transportation, Torkham/Chaman Border formalities/clearance/Warehousing facilities at Kabul Afghanistan & delivery to final destination from Kabul warehouse to the destination. Such Project is executing by us on regular bases (In past and currently too)